Master’s programs
to round out your education

INSA Toulouse offers five master’s programs that can be accessed after validating one year of master-level studies (M1 or equivalent):

MRes ID-RIMS: Sustainable Engineering – Research and Innovation in Materials and Structures

Head of the program Gabriel Samson: and Martin Cyr:

MRes DET: Fluid Dynamics, Energy and Transfers

Head of the program: Lucien Baldas: and Stépahne Colin:

MRes SMMS: Science of Material and Structural Mechanics

Head of the program: Bruno Castanié:

MRes ERASMUS MUNDUS FRP++ : European Master Course in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design using Composite Materials

Head of the program: Bruno Castanié:

MRes NANOX: Nanoscale Science & Engineering

Head of the program: Ségolène Hericher:

Master’s programs run in partnership with Toulouse INP; can be accessed with a bachelor’s degree and are intended exclusively for international students (Bac+3):


Electronic systems for embedded communications and applications


This degree targets the field of electronic systems for embedded applications and communications (ESECA). The master is opeed for students with a Bachelor degree in electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications, computer science, robotics, physics or equivalent. The courses focus on the design of digital and analog electronic systems, radiofrequency and , optics and telecom, embedded systems, digital signal processing and image. The fundamental teachings relate the basics of signal theory, signal processing, electromagnetism, and circuit theory and are based on project-oriented learning. Lessons are delivered within 24 months of training, since students are required to work on research departments from our industrial partners and will be welcomed in training on production sites or in laboratories of research and development.

More information on the master can be found here :

Contact :

Program content :

Cost : 9,000€/year or 5,000€/year if partnership with home university or n+i network or for students with excellent academic records

Language : English | French

Duration : 1 or 2 years | Integration package through

First three semesters : lectures, tutorials, lab work

Fourth semester : 6-month internship

Required level : Bachelor of Science, Engineering degree

4 years of higher education

Degree awarded : Master of Science

Application procedure :

Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes


This education program is focused on Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes. Applications are related to fluid flows in petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, energy transformation… The purpose of the lectures is concerned with the physics and modelling of transport phenomena in multiphase flows (bubbles, drops, granular media, emulsions and foams). Exercises and practical training complement advanced courses on turbulence, coupling chemical reactions and flows, heat and mass transfer. The students will be trained to work with Computational Fluid Dynamics tools (commercial codes but also research and industrial software’s). Along the two years of formation, the contact with our industrial partners (TOTAL, AREVA, CEA, EDF …) is strengthened by research and industrial projects (8 + 6 weeks) and a long internship (5-6 months).

Contact : 

Lien vers le programme :

Cost : 9,000€/year (Reduction down to 5473 €/year is possible only for students from: European Union, European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), Monaco, Andorra, Switzerland, residents of Quebec (Canada), Lebanon, Colombia, India, Mexico, Thailand, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Central African Republic, Chad, Kiribati, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia)

Language : English

Duration : 2 years

First three semesters : mainly lectures, tutorials and lab work.

Fourth semester : internship.

Required level : Bachelor of Science, Engineering degree

Degree awarded : Master of Science

Deadline for application : April 15th

Water Engineering and Water Management


Objectives of the master are to provide students with shared theoretical and practically-oriented knowledge in the field of water engineering and water management. Students in the program should acquire the ability to design water engineering projects and to realize these projects efficiently in line with the principles of sustainability.

The master focuses on chemical engineering applied to unit operations of water treatment and water sciences (aquatic system and its preservation). The purpose of the lectures is concerned with biological and chemical reactors for pollution removal, unit operations of separation for the high quality water production (membrane separation, adsorption…), hydrology and ecology for the management of aquatic system. In addition, students will follow courses on international regulations, environmental management and project management to be able to face water-related societal, governmental and industrial stakes. Along the two years of formation, the student will have strength interactions with industrial partners and research laboratories.

Contacts : |

Lien vers la maquette :

Cost : 9,000€/year or 5,000€/year if partnership with home university or n+i network or for students with excellent academic records

Language : English

Duration : 2 years

First three semesters : mainly lectures, tutorials and lab work

Fourth semester : internship

Required level : Bachelor of Science, Engineering degree,

4 years of higher education

Degree awarded : Master of Science

Deadline for application : Session 1: February 1st

Session 2 : April 1th

Industrial and Safety Engineering (ISE)


Processing innovations to innovative products requires the control of industrial processes for their entry into market within a reasonable time and price, while providing assurance on their quality and safety. Increasingly, quality and safety requirements will also focus on the manufacturing process. All these processes involve various human, technical and financial resources, all under the influence of many external constraints – regulatory, normative, legal, societal… The conduct of such a system requires an organization to control the use of resources, as well as monitoring their commitment to ensure safety and sustainability.

The present program aims at training specialists providing answers to these new societal expectations. Moreover, this new industrial development can only be performed in an international context. Thus the Master adds lectures on French language and culture to engineering and managerial skills.


Master 1:

Master 2 :

Program content:

Cost: 9,000€/year or 5,000€/year if partnership with home university or n+i network or for students with excellent academic records

Language: English (1st year) | French (2nd year)

Duration: 1 or 2 years

First three semesters: mainly lectures, tutorials and lab work

Fourth semester: internship

Required level: Bachelor of Science, Engineering degree, 4 years of higher education

Degree awarded: Master of Science

Deadline for application: June 30th



BioTechEco master’s degree offers a cross-disciplinary educational program focusing on industrial biotechnology and bioeconomy processes. It aims to train students with multidisciplinary skills and expertise to make them attractive in the emerging bioeconomy market, enabling them to develop new industrial segments.

This master degree is a two-year full-time master’s program consisting of 120 ECTS, entirely taught in English and designed for international and French University students. It encompasses integrated learning of life sciences, chemical and bioprocess engineering, bioethical issues, sustainability, economics, and environmental regulations. This dynamic and innovative pedagogy includes 10 weeks of lab work, a full semester abroad in the best international universities (Europe, USA, Asia) and a 6-month internship in France or abroad. Teachings are delivered by lecturers and researchers from universities ranked among the 300 best institutions in the world (NTU and ARWU ranking, 2020) and take place on the different campuses of Toulouse according to the specialty taught (biological sciences, chemical sciences and economics). The program offers high-quality teaching from renowned professors, a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world and genuine experiences within the research and industrial worlds.

Contacts :

Link to the program :

Cost: 8 909€/year or 5 382€/year for EU citizens

Scholarships: Two types of scholarships can be awarded based on academic records or social criteria. Each is worth 4 000€

Language: English

Duration: 2 years

First semester: mainly lectures, tutorials and lab work

Second semester: abroad in one of the partner universities

Third semester: mainly lectures, tutorials and lab work

Fourth semester: internship

Required level: bachelor’s degree in biological sciences, biotechnology or chemical engineering

Degree awarded: Master of Science

Deadline for application: May, 15th

BioEco Graduate School Website:

This work benefited from a government grant managed by the French National Research Agency under the “Investissements d’Avenir” program with the reference ANR-18-EURE-0021.

INSA Toulouse
135 avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4
Tél : 05 61 55 95 13
Fax : 05 61 55 95 00

For the sake of simplicity and with no gender-discrimination intent, the masculine gender is used as an epicene.