Calculus and signal theory
Objectives :
At the end of this module, the student will have understood and be able to explain (main concepts):
Analysis :
The fundamentals of differential calculus and the calculation of integrals with (multiple) parameters
Signal :
The main concepts, mathematical methods and tools used for signal processing
The student will be able to :
Analysis :
- define and calculate a differential
- define a condition of extremum
- calculate a change of variables (multiple)
- calculate an integral with parameters (multiple)
Signal :
- decompose periodic signals into Fourier series
- determine the spectrum of deterministic signals
- calculate the transfer function of a continuous, invariant linear filter and calculate the output signal of that filter for a given input
Necessary knowledge :
Lectures of mathematics of first year (I1ANIF11, I1ANMT11, I1ANMT21).
Lectures of mathematics of first semester (I2MIMT11)
L’évaluation des acquis d’apprentissage est réalisée en continu tout le long du semestre. En fonction des enseignements, elle peut prendre différentes formes : examen écrit, oral, compte-rendu, rapport écrit, évaluation par les pairs…
En bref
Crédits ECTS : 5.0
Nombre d’heures : 64.0
INSA Toulouse
135 avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4
Tél : 05 61 55 95 13
Fax : 05 61 55 95 00
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