Company knowledge and communication
At the end of this module, the student will have understood and be able to explain (main concepts):
¿ how to give an oral presentation
¿ some of the historical, geographical and/or geopolitical aspects of different English-speaking socio-cultural contexts
¿ how to produce a structured written synthesis in French.
¿ how to write a training period report and present it orally
¿ inner workings of contemporary economy and interdependence of macroeconomic scales
The student will be able to:
In French
¿ write the synthesis of a set of press articles and present it orally with Powerpoint visual aids
¿ write a training period report and give an oral presentation describing a particular company, reporting on and analysing a work experience.
In English:
¿ give a Powerpoint oral presentation in front of a group and orally interact with the audience
¿ demonstrate creativity, initiative and open mindedness in teamwork
¿ develop a thorough knowledge and a critical mind about different English-speaking socio-cultural contexts, taking into account historical, geographical and/or geopolitical considerations.
In Economics :
¿ understand current major economic and societal stakes
¿ discuss and debate using arguments grounded in the knowledge of fundamental economic mechanisms and some economic thinking theories
Necessary knowledge :
-Expression 1 in the first-year « Grand Domaine Humanités » (D1FAHU01)
-Writing and oral skills in English in the first-year « Grand Domaine Humanités » (D1FAHU01)
L’évaluation des acquis d’apprentissage est réalisée en continu tout le long du semestre. En fonction des enseignements, elle peut prendre différentes formes : examen écrit, oral, compte-rendu, rapport écrit, évaluation par les pairs…
En bref
Crédits ECTS : 5.0
Nombre d’heures : 108.0
INSA Toulouse
135 avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4
Tél : 05 61 55 95 13
Fax : 05 61 55 95 00
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