Classical mechanics
At the end of this module, the student will have understood and be able to explain (main concepts):
Kinematics of a material point, the three Newton laws of dynamic, the theorem of kinetic energy, the concepts of relativity and inertial forces.
The student will be able to:
Describe the movement (position, speed, acceleration) of a material point in different coordinate systems based on a given reference frame. Determine the external forces experienced by a material point and know the expression of the usual mechanical forces (gravity, electromagnetic, restoring force of a spring, reaction of a support and strength of friction, inertial pseudo-forces). Determine the trajectory or timetables equations of a material point from the fundamental principle of dynamics, the theorem of angular momentum and / or kinetic energy theorem.
- Notation for differentiation.
- trigonometry
L’évaluation des acquis d’apprentissage est réalisée en continu tout le long du semestre. En fonction des enseignements, elle peut prendre différentes formes : examen écrit, oral, compte-rendu, rapport écrit, évaluation par les pairs…
En bref
Crédits ECTS :
Nombre d’heures : 37.0
INSA Toulouse
135 avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4
Tél : 05 61 55 95 13
Fax : 05 61 55 95 00
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